Tuesday, April 7, 2015

dancing pipe cleaners :: diy :: for the kiddos

i have more pipe-cleaners than youuuuuuu (said in my most teasing voice). it's completely true though and it's a little out of hand. over the years of crafting with kiddos, i've acquired quite the collection.

now, any chance i get, i'm building something with pipe-cleaners to use them up. don't be surprised if you stop in someday and that's all that's on the kiddo's table. so long markers. so long paint. so long glue sticks. it's pipe-cleaners from here on out.

it's only fitting then, that this week's DIY is a pipe-cleaner craft! these fun dancing pipe-cleaners are absolutely perfect for a stop animation project, or more simply, an adornment on a birthday gift.

whoooo-eeee! here we go!

you'll need:

  • 2 pipe-cleaners
  • tissue paper or paper napkin
  • scissors
  • ribbon or string

the steps:
  1. fold one pipe-cleaner in 1/2, leaving a little loop for the head
  2. wrap the other pipe-cleaner around the first, slightly below the head. keep wrapping until you are happy with the arm length.
  3. fold your tissue paper in fourths (no needed if using paper napkin)
  4. crinkle & twist
  5. cut off the tip. this is where the head will go through.
  6. unfold and cut a straight cut on each side of the head opening. this is for the arms
  7. lie your dancer on top of your tissue paper and cut the length to size
  8. slide paper over the pipe-cleaners and secure with string

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