Tuesday, May 12, 2015

plastic egg bugs :: diy :: for the kiddos

so, easter was like, forever ago, i know. and... i should have probably stored the plastic eggs up in the attic with the rest of easter decor, but i'm a little a lot behind at home these days. (seriously, you should see the pile of laundry in my basement. something could be living under all of those clothes and i wouldn't even know it). anyway, the plastic eggs: my boys like hiding things in them. the other day, i opened one up and found a dead worm.

i'm not joking.

it was then that i decided the plastic eggs were over. we were done. unfortunately, my 4-year-old wasn't thrilled. i promised him we could play with the eggs "one more time" and they were getting tossed at the end of the evening.

sooo... we made plastic egg bugs. that light up. that's normal right? here's how we did it (in case you still have a few lying around too):

you'll need:

  • plastic eggs
  • battery-operated votive candles
  • fuzzy craft sticks
  • wire cutters
  • black marker

the DIY:
  1. cut your fuzzy craft sticks into lengths a little longer than you want your bugs extremeties to be. use your wire cutters to do this so you don't ruin your scissors.
  2. you'll notice that there are 4 itty-bitty holes in the plastic eggs. you can thread the craft sticks through those holes to create legs, ears, arms, whatever.
  3. after you push the stick through, bunch & twist it up inside so that it doesn't slip out
  4. light your votive and stick inside the egg before closing
  5. draw a face with your black marker. 
  6. play & enjoy!

these would actually make a cute little night-light for the kiddos. especially if you got more creative than we did and made the bugs more of an art piece. whatcha think? fun right?

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